Price: $
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/ 5 ratings

A useful tool for keeping your computer screen distraction-free

Aurelitec |
added on June 10, 2019
139.7kb | free


Its interface is modern
Completely free to use and light-weight to install
Usable areas are added easily and they can be resized, deleted, or moved around
You can have many focus areas
Background color and opacity can be changed easily


Drawing rectangle on full background opacity can be difficult
Price: $
Focusing on the job you need to finish on your computer is not always an easy task. Distractions come in many different forms and sometimes a major part of your screen is actually irrelevant to your current preoccupation. If only there was a way to hide such parts of your screen...

CinemaDrape is a free, light-weight program which basically either hides or dims the parts of the screen you are not using at the moment. You can choose to download the installer package or the portable, .zip version. Either way, it will only take up a couple of kilobytes on your computer.

There is no window or a home screen in a classic sense. When you first open a program, everything is colored black and you are prompted with the welcome screen which gives you enough information for you to start. Simply use your mouse to draw rectangles which display the parts of your screen hidden behind it. When you finish drawing, you will only be able to use the parts you have selected.

Its interface is limited but modern. You can have many different areas to use and they don't need to be connected at all. Also, adding new areas is sometimes tough because you click somewhere in the shaded region without knowing what's inside. You can change the color of the hidden part of the screen easily and you can change the opacity in order to make the hidden part obscure.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• Only if using Windows XP: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or above

Operating system


Supported languages



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